Seeing as how often many programmers struggle with the same issue twice, I decided to start this blog. I will try to note the problems that I encountered during my coding here so that when I, or other programmers, encounter them again the solution is already available somewhere.
I will note the issues that required more than a simple Google search to solve.
Never get stuck on the same issue twice! 🙂
Dear Mr. Maghoumi
I have a question about a compilation error in Windows 10.
I am trying to compile some code, but an error is occurred.
Error using mex
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘sys/times.h’: No such file or directory
Error in build (line 7)
mex -largeArrayDims -v CXXFLAGS=”\$CXXFLAGS -O3 -DNOBLAS” -outdir ../
and the link of code is: , that the function of ‘build.m’ should be run. The code of GitHub is for Linux.
I’ve also seen your site and unfortunately I don’t have enough knowledge to work in this matter.
How do I get sys/times.hin Windows10?
I would be grateful if you could help me regarding this issue,
Thank you and Best Regards,
Did you see this post?
Did you try that already?
Dr Merhan Maghoumi
I came across your website when I was doing my research. I am using a Kinect V2 sensor to detect an object, find its 3D coordinates, send them to a robot via TCP/IP so that the robot will move to the object and pick it up.
I have done the image processing on a red object and found its coordinates. I now need to find the depth (or rather distance) of the object from the sensor so that I can be able to manipulate objects of different heights automatically. Can you help me on how I can achieve this mapping of an RGB pixel to depth?
I saw you depth registration function on your website and am not really sure how it comes into play. I did not really understand it. Could you please explain to me in light of my request and what I want to achieve, how I can use your function to get depth.
Your response will be greatly appreciated.